Monday, June 22, 2009

The price of staying cool


Sometimes we don’t make a stop in our lives and think. What we are doing for our planet? Are we taking care of our planet? Does our planet deserve us? These are some questions that everybody has to start to think deeply about in their minds.

Today, we have inherited research from many years ago. The refrigerants represented in air conditioners and refrigerants are also used in cars. The cooling system is being used in our lives every day. The problem begins when we look a little bit deeply and see how the refrigerant works. When they started, manufacturers used chlorofluorocarbons or CFCs gases. Some time later, a scientist Mario Molina from Mexico, made a discovery about this gas. He found this gas is potentially dangerous for the ozone layer. Ben Cubby said, “Synthetic gases used in fridges and air conditioners, now largely phased out because they destroy the ozone layer” (2007, para. 20). The chlorine atoms go to the atmosphere and deplete it. This reaction is produced when the light has contact with the chlorine. And the chlorine that is going up into the atmosphere takes long times to be totally removed from it. Now, since almost two decades ago, a modification of this gas has being incorporated. “Although much slower, HCFCs still depleted the ozone layer” (Siegle, 2009, para. 7). Ben Cubby said the refrigerant gases used to replace ozone-depleting CFCs in the 1990s have a tremendous global warming impact out of all proportion to the often-small amount of gas involved (Cubby, 2007). This gas is dangerous too, but with less effects in the ozone layer; it is being used in the replacement of CFCs. Ben Cubby said, “Hydrochlorofluorocarbons, one of the main replacements for CFCs, they are contained in many current air conditioners and fridges. Better for the ozone layer, but still an extremely dangerous greenhouse gas between 5000 and 8000 times more potent than carbon dioxide” (2007, para. 21).  Despite everything and the advantage of technology are hard to see how science is unable to make refrigerants without causing global impact. For this reason, as long as there is not a solution in order to preserve our planet as well as we know it, we have to start to take actions. We need a worldwide policy to treat refrigerants properly.

   In the beginning, we have to realize why this problem is growing so fast. Charles Clover said, “The problem is China. It has been producing more and more HCFCs to go inside the 6-7 million air conditioning units it exports to the US alone each year” (2007, para. 8). Facts like this one are what we have to pay attention to. If there are controls on this gas, why are these millions of refrigerants being received in all other countries? If the main idea is to avoid the threatening gases, what’s going on there? It’s necessary to take actions. It’s necessary to replace these hazardous gases for ecological ones. However, as we know, this eco technology is not available yet. Stop manufacturing the refrigerants or air conditioner for free sale. People should take awareness of the future that we are building. Open everybody’s eyes and see how the globe is feeling the price of our desire to stay cool. Just when the mind of the big business people change, the world will get the change of a better future without the threat of about global warming, depleting the ozone layer, depleting of fresh water sources, and changes in biodiversity among other possible effects. Charles Clover said, “This money has been going into the pockets of dirty chemical companies instead of into clean coal and wind power stations as the architects of Kyoto intended” (2007, para. 10).

In support, there we have the fridges. This is the big box where we put our food and our drinks to keep them cool. Fridges also make big deal when refrigerant gases are concerned. Since the fridge was invented, a revolutionary change in the entire world has been made. The people started to conserve the food for longer days. The water could be converted into ice. And the cooked food started to be able to be kept for some days after being cooked.

Nevertheless, we have the other side of the coin. As long as air conditioners and fridges are in the commerce, the people in areas where a cooling system can be used and is easy to get, of course will be getting it. It’s impossible to hide the sun with one finger. I cannot be explaining now my ideas about how the refrigerant gases affect the planet without the conscience; if I use my air conditioner in my home I am contributing to the problem. Just let two kilograms of refrigerants escape to leak, with the passage of time you will have emitted the equivalent of four tons of carbon dioxide (Cubby, 2007).

The increasing in the demand by the people in refrigerants such as air conditioners and cars are growing up surprisingly every single day. For this reason I can say that at this point of our lives eradicating this cooling system is almost impossible. We have to start to change our kind of consumerist mind. We had better not wait until the end and then repent. This is our home; the Earth needs our actions right now. This present is the moment; there not will be regrets and more chances. We are dealing with the future of our children. And for sure everybody wants a good one.

The Earth planet will get our actions. The complete depletion of the ozone layer is near if we don’t wake up. It is not a lie the fact that there is a hole in the ozone layer that is getting bigger every day due to our careless ness. The time keeps running and the time to do something is getting over; this until the point when it will be late.

Now, there we have the actions! As long as we know, environmentalist people are not enough to make the difference by themselves. Then, a group of developed nations years ago met and established The Montreal Protocol. It has taken actions around the world in order to control the hazardous gases emitted that deplete the ozone layer. Just the actions of environmentalists are not enough, and much less when they are not listened to. “China is the world’s second–largest fluorocarbon market, after the U.S.”  (Coons, 2008, para. 2).

            As was mentioned in the beginning of the essay about CFCs and HCFCs, The Montreal Protocol is for the protection of the ozone layer and with this the avoidance of all damaging gases in the environment. Previously, the Protocol phased out the CFCs gases from all commerce. After doing that, the different stage of HCFCs started and with them the hope of saving the ozone layer. But it was too good to be true. Soon the scientists discovered the threat of the HCFCs and in the Montreal Protocol; leaders took the decision to phase it out too. “There were no breakthroughs at the annual meeting of the Montreal Protocol, but finding to phase out HCFCs was agreed. Meanwhile, EU regulations on ozone protection are under review” (Montreal Protocol, 2008, para. 2).

Obviously, phasing out this gas is easier said than done. “Developing countries must phase out HCFCs by 2030, also ten years early they have asserted that these obligations will be impossible to meet without adequate financial and technical assistance” (Montreal Protocol, 2008, para. 5). As all we know, there are political and economic interests that make the decisions harder to take. Why? The amount of money managed by CEOs is incredible. How they influence the actions of other people is by putting their interest in the middle. Also, we have to think about the economics of each country. In the Montreal Protocol the participants are developed countries. “A voluntary standard for treating end-of-life fridges and freezers has been developed by trade bodies for household appliance manufacturers and electronic waste companies (Fridge recycling standard developed, 2008, para. 1). So, one of the main problems for these countries and their ideas for the ozone layer are the developing countries. These ones are just trying to get developed. In order to get this rise their economies have to work and grow everything possible. For this reason the Montreal Protocol gave the chance to developing countries phase out HCFCs in more years.

There are some countries that are makers of HCFC products. Right now the emphasis is on China, because this country is a leader in refrigerant manufacturers, fridges and air conditioners. China’s economy is growing very fast every year and it showed stop making these systems, which represent big earnings not just for the companies, but also for the government because of the taxes. Also there are the car air conditioners, which represent big values in money for the government when it refers to export taxes. “The protocol allows China to use HCFCs-22 for emissive purposes through 2040, it adds” (Coons, 2008, para. 2). Focusing in the ideas, we should remember the thesis. It obviously is an impossibility to remove these systems quickly from our lives, but the idea to get a worldwide policy to treat refrigerants properly is not crazy and is very available. One idea is to permit just refrigerants in necessary circumstances and in necessary places. It can be a good way for the nations. We should regulate the sale of air conditioners. Just the people who really show the need can get it. Also, regulate the sale of the air conditioners or refrigerants in public service centers, for example, hospitals, banks, or other places that really need it.

Studies have been reached with the purpose of defining all the substances that threaten the ozone layer. The case of the refrigerants is just one of lots of cases about hazardous gases in the environment. The emphasis made on the refrigerants, especially in air conditioner systems and fridges, is because as well as we know and we understand our planet with its different societies, it is not necessary think too much to know how the future of our planet can be with the constant development. The demand for better fridges rises every day and also the demand for the air conditioners. I emphasize the last one, because the reality is that every day these air conditioners will come with cheaper prices, making them more available to all the social layers, poor people, middle class people or for sure rich people. The facility is rising so fast. And one of the most important sides is that the people will start to feel hotter days and will use more and more refrigerants.

In conclusion, there are some facts that affect our daily lives. The environment represents these where we live. Especially my focus in the essay is about how refrigerants affect it, and the actions we take everyday. We use the products or system without thinking how they are made. In that case the refrigerants, and gases, are for cooling. They affect the ozone layer and depleted it. The Montreal Protocol is acting for the benefit of the ozone layer. What we can do and look if really we will do something? The question is for everybody, but the action is just in a few bit hands.




Clover, C. (2007, September 21 ) A small milestone. News; Earth Log; p. 16. Retrieved May 31, 2009, from Lexis Nexis database.


Coons, R. (2008, August 2) Developing countries drive HFC growth. Bussines & Finance News. Pg 9.  Retrieved May 31, 2009, from Lexis Nexis database.


Cubby, B. (2007, December 24) Earth feels cost of staying cool. Sydney Morning Herald. Retrieved May 31, 2009, from Lexis Nexis database.


Fridge recycling standard developed. (2008, September 16) Waste & Resources. Retrieved May 31, 2009, from Lexis Nexis database.


Montreal Protocol. (2008, December 18) Policy Briefing – International. Retrieved June 17, 2009, from Lexis Nexis database.


Siegle, L. (2009, March 15) Two decades on and aerosol guilt is justifiably alive and well. News. Retrieved May 31, 2009, from Lexis Nexis database. 

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Wikipedia, an Internet Educational Source

Internet, it is good or bad? It has evolved rapidly from when it began.  The Internet, also known as the web, provides us or gives us the chance to navigate and look for educational information. Then, there is Wikipedia, an educational web site with hundreds of articles. “Wikipedia, the peer-produced online encyclopedia is a popular way for people to gain information” (Gapper, 2008, para. 1). Now we have a problem, and it is that a lot of students are using this source for their homework and there is a big deal about cite from Wikipedia. “The emergence of the World Wide Web as a resource for student’s research is for many educators a worrisome development” (Lengel, 2006, para. 1). There are some people that say it shouldn’t be allowed. In another point of view they say, Wikipedia is a very helpful source and everybody should use it however they want. Wikipedia is a good source to take general information. For specific and deep information Wikipedia should not be allowed. 

We have to recognize, are the sources found in Wikipedia reliable? This web site provides us the opportunity or the chance to look for basic information. It contents sometimes is just general. Information like simple definitions, history, facts and important people are founded easily in Wikipedia. The problem starts when we are looking for something more important or something for a research. Trusting one hundred percent in this information is a big mistake. Why we should not trust in it?  The main problem is that this web site is open to modifications of anyone. It makes the web site doubtful. Even though we are at risk of getting false information. It is obvious the fact that this web site is not reliable at all. “It is not the number of articles available on Wikipedia that is up for debate, though. The argument amongst scholars is that the information available on Wikipedia is not necessarily accurate and that the articles themselves are particularly susceptible to Internet vandalism” (Wolverton, 2007, para. 11).

In addition, there is the point that Wikipedia is not deep. How we can be sure of it? As I mentioned before, this web site is not profound. Everybody can make modifications and then the people who write or rewrite do it with their point of view usually. Wikipedia works when it is about universal meanings. However written history is open to the interpretation of the person who inputs there. The information found is just based in other sources. Then Wikipedia helps us to put together all this information that we are looking for.

When we are looking for quick information, Wikipedia is the best to give us this. We should not use Wikipedia as a resource of research papers; it is not certificated! And also we can be following just the ideas of others without notice.

Regardless, we cannot devalue Wikipedia as a resource. It has been helping students, professors, teachers and everybody who at least needed quick information, and Wikipedia was the solution. This web site is and will still be in the internet for a long time. As long as the people use of the people of Wikipedia, there will be Wikipedia for us. One solution for this controversy can be to put a control on the people who write there. They should be registered and be recognized as people who have access to Wikipedia.

Summarizing, the use of Wikipedia is universal and as we look today it will be impossible stop their use. The only things that we can do are to implement rules and conditions with the purpose of regulating or controlling the quality of the Wikipedia information. With this, every student will be able to use Wikipedia without restrictions, and make good papers. Also, one good idea can be the professors putting their research there. In this way the information will be gotten for the common people in an easy way.


Gapper, J. (January 23, 2008). Wikipedia is popular but scary, Para. 1. Retrieved June 5, 2009, from

Lengel, J. (February 07, 2006). Authority, Teaching with Technology. Para. 1. Retrieved June 5, 2009, from

Wolverton, J. (January 22, 2007). Wikipedia Wisdom, Valley Vanguard. Para. 11. Retrieved June 5, 2009, from




Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Staying Cool


            In the summary, the author explains, how the gas emissions are making the environment worse. He said that the gas that replaced the HCFCs, for CFCs is also dangerous and has an impact on global warming. Also the author talks about the leaks of this kind of gases, which are tons and tons of lost gas in the air.  In addition he said that there are old cars that don’t use refrigerants, so they help to protect the ozone layer. The CFC was the first gas used to aerosols and refrigerants, this gas destroy the ozone layer in a massive way. Other is the HCFCs, which is a similar one in structure, but is less dangerous than the first one. In conclusion the author explained some differences between gases and consequences.



            In the world, the ozone layer is one of the most important systems to protect. It helps us to avoid the direct sunrays. Since the air conditioner was started, this has been causing a serious problem. The houses, offices and places that are receiving the cooling, are also destroying the ozone layer with the emissions of these refrigerant gases. Some developed nations are taking actions to protect the ozone layer, and have tried to change the worst gases for others minus dangerous. The point is that it is not a simple problem from the companies who are producing this. The main cause is because we, every single person, including myself, have used these refrigerants at one time or another at least once.

            Keeping cool is costing us the most expensive price for our future.  The global warming is making our lives hotter than earlier days. Is not a secret that all of the people around the world know about the air conditioner and refrigerants. So, every person who has the chance or opportunity to get this comfortable good will get it.

            We don’t think too much about the consequences of our actions. We just enjoy the moment and feel cool, comfortable. The problem is that our saturation of this service is killing the ozone layer, and with it, our chance to survive from the solar rays in the near future.

            Another important point is the leaks of gases. Every day, the ozone layer received tons and tons of dangerous gases that come from leaks. This is from the air conditioner machines, fridges or everything that requires refrigerants. The amount of gas measured by leaks is relevant. “If you just pull that old air-conditioner off the wall and let its two kilograms of refrigerant escape or leave it to slowly leak away at the tip, you will have emitted the equivalent of four tons of carbon dioxide – the same as six months of driving your car” said the Department of Environment.

            In conclusion, it’s visible how the ozone layer has been destroyed. Just stand under the sun in the day and remain it for 5 minutes and you’ll burn your skin with chances to get insulation.



Cubby, B. (2007, December 24).

 Earth feels the cost of staying cool. Sydney Morning Herald. Retrieved May 29, 2009, from Lexis Nexis Database.

Monday, June 1, 2009

The same problem


      In the ICIS Chemical Business America’s article “Refrigerant talk heats up”, the author explains the process of replacement of the current refrigerant gases used by industries, in order to take care of the environment by preventing the global warming. The author starts asking if the alternative sources which are used today, will be the next in the regulation list, proposing to us a difficulty that will face the industries that use them. Following that, the author says all developed countries, except China, agree with the process or have replaced hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs) by adopting the Montreal Protocol. Finally, it is true that the protection of our environment is getting important.

            The environment is one of the most important topics in the current meetings of leaders. They have been talking about how it is possible to change some actual factors, which are damaging the Earth planet. It’s not a secret that in our daily lives we use items that hurt the environment. In this case the article talks about different kinds of dangerous gases. Hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs) is the refrigerant with high global warming and potentially dangerous. The leaders are trying to change it for another less contaminant gas. They compare the HCFCs with other evils less dangerous but still harmful, the chlorofluorocarbons (HFCs). Both of these two gases are equally dangerous for the environment, and it doesn’t matter which one they use, the result will be the same.

            First, there is the Montreal Protocol, which is about the replacement of these two gases, one for the other. They said that the developed countries are in advance with this change and are being quick in this. This is different from countries like China that are main makers of HCFCs, for they economy is not lucrative enough to stop the production of HCFCs. But it seems like the demand for a new less damaging thing is growing and more people are wanting.

In addition, just look at the names of these two gases and think how similar they are. How could one of them be not dangerous when the current one is potentially dangerous? In my opinion if the gas is changed, there is the chance that in a near amount of years the same problem will be born.

Second, there is the European Union, which has applied these changes and taken advantage of passing out the HCFCs in order to protect the environment. But HFCs, the option for the change, is another bad gas! This gas is also considered to have high global warming potential (GWP). Some countries applied taxes or levies in order to control this vent of gases.

Another main point is the mind and thinking of the global population. While China or India keeps growing in the use and production of HCFCc, other countries are trying to avoid it. One really important fact is how the people think about it, because the massive communications media are extremely powerful. Everybody should stop for a minute and think. What I am doing for my planet? I am helping or damaging my own environment? If the minds of the people don’t change, and if they don’t cooperate with the labor of the environmentalist, it will be harder to help the entire globe. What should we do? Stop using the products we know are bad for us and the massive production of it, will have to stop making it, because there are no demand.

In conclusion, the future of the environment will be the same; it doesn’t matter what gases we use. The contamination is imminent and it’ll take more than just changes in gases to make a difference.




Refrigerant talk heats up. (2007, May 28). ICIS Chemical Business America.

Retrieved May 20, 2009, from Lexis Nexis Database.